Bureau of Standards Jamaica
The Jamaican Standards Network (JSN) is a quarterly fora used by the BSJ to discuss standards related information of national interest with stakeholders and the general public. It also provides an excellent opportunity to get feedback and comments on standardization matters and policy frameworks that embrace trade, health, safety and environmental initiatives.
This network of persons from various organizations in Jamaica, work together to ensure the development of national standards, as well as standards that can be submitted for consideration as Regional and/or International Standards.
Facilitate information transfer for the development of standards
Ensure industry players are sensitive to the dynamics of the global environment
Respond quickly to market situations
Remove the technical barriers so as to facilitate trade
Opportunity for organizations to submit their own standards for consideration as National standards
Opportunity to identify duplication and overlap of standards work and hence reduce the potential for conflicting standards
Opportunity to promote harmonization of standards within a sector
Opportunity to identify where co-operation is possible across different sectors
Review existing sector / industry standards to identify the ones that are desired to be promulgated as National standards
Review existing legislations to determine if any other standards are needed as support
Review sector / industry practices to identify where there is need for new standards
Involvement in Technical Committees and standards-related activities for example, World Standards Day (WSD) and the National Quality Awards (NQA)
Identify areas of national interest where Technical Regulations could be needed
Identify National standards to be proposed as Regional or International Standards
Review and provide comments on WTO trade notifications
Participate in the development of International Standards
Industry concerns addressed early in the process of standards development
Industry poised to become leaders in activities aimed at preventing barriers to trade
Early access to information which results in pro-activity in business
Reduced costs for technical expertise and information which results in increased productivity and profits
© Bureau of Standards Jamaica, 2025 | Website Policies
An Agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce