Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Government of Jamaica
06.20.19 -
The Bureau of Standards Jamaica invites applications for the position of:
06.20.19 -
06.20.19 -
The Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) is set to reduce its energy consumption at its five offices across the country, having signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the University of the West Indies (UWI), Mona.
06.05.19 -
The government is to redouble efforts to increase local production of organic agricultural produce in a bid to reduce imports.
05.15.19 -
Join us for our second Jamaica Standards Network Meeting for the calendar year, the topic: Keep track of product requirements in foreign markets.
05.03.19 -
A regional standard for the labelling of pre-packaged foods is currently being revised. This process is being led by the CARICOM Regional Organisation for Standards and Quality (CROSQ) – the regional standards development body.
04.26.19 -
The Bureau of Standards Jamaica announces a Call for Experts to provide technical support to The National Food Standards Technical Committee.
04.25.19 -
The Bureau of Standards Jamaica invites applications to fill the following positions:
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An Agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce