Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Bureau of Standards Jamaica
Government of Jamaica
Introduction: The Bureau of Standards Jamaica (BSJ) is a Participating (P) member of the ISO/COPOLCO, ISO’s Committee on consumer policy. In this capacity, as a P member there are specific obligations in accordance with the World Trade Organization Technical Barriers to Trade (WTO/TBT) Agreement. This National Mirror Committee has been established in June 2021 to fulfil these obligations and to improve the feedback process with regards to review by all the relevant stakeholders and voting process as is required of BSJ/Jamaica as a P member.
Scope of work: The NMC COPOLCO works closely with ISO/COPOLCO in the development of international standards to ensure that Jamaica’s interests are adequately presented and the Jamaican position is considered during the development and review of these international standards. The objectives of the COPOLCO National Mirror Committee are:
- it provides policy advice to the ISO Council.
- proposes new projects and technical areas of consumer interest, and coordinates input of consumer views into ISO‟s work.
- develops and maintains ISO/IEC Guides on consumer- facing themes (e.g. product information, instructions for use, packaging, comparative testing, child safety, and services) for use by standards writers.
- Circulate COPOLCO consultations to concerned stakeholders*, collate responses and submit consolidated views to the COPOLCO Secretariat.
- Return votes and comments of ISO/IEC Guides and other formal consultations launched by the ISO Central Secretariat (including final drafts), or ensure that the responsible
ballotter within your organization does so.
- Establish and maintain channels for consultation with concerned stakeholders on consumer interest issues (e.g. child safety, environment, utilities etc.).
- Circulate COPOLCO plenary working documents to the national mirror committee of COPOLCO; consolidate and inform COPOLCO of national positions on agenda items.
TC achievement:
This TC has voted on the ISO/COPOLCO N605 ballot.
Current work programme:
ISO/COPOLCO N605 ballot out for vote. This committee must present Jamaica’s vote on the subject matter.
Meet the members
Tamra-Kay Biggs - Chair
Yvonne Nicholson - Vice-Chair
Shajoe Lake - Technical Secretary
Racquel White
Kristina Barrett-Harrison
Collette Goode
Orine Henry
Novlet Deans
Nadette Brown
Wendell Richards
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An Agency of the Ministry of Industry, Investment and Commerce